What does it look like to work with me? My process is as collaborative as you'd like it to be. Here's a quick peak at the steps we'll take to get copy that's right for you and your business.

Copy Consult

let's book your

After everything is edited and polished, you get to publish your high-converting copy in your blog, website, or email. It's yours to own..

Publish your copy


I write high converting copy using your vision and unique voice in a draft for your approval.

Crafting the Copy


We decide what package is best suited for your business needs right now. 

Pick a Package


This is a complimentary 20 min. consult where I learn about your copy needs and we see if my services are aligned with YOUR vision.

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Pricing varies Based on Package

Your business blog is how people can know the why behind the what, understand the passion behind your business and connect with you, the person behind the scenes. Whether your blog is ready for a refresh, or you're looking for a new article or two, I can help.

Blog Writing

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Pricing Varies Based on Package

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Your website copy should clearly articulate how your business can best serve your clients. This is where I offer high-converting copy for your Home Page, About Page, Opt-in page, 404 Page, Contact page, and more.

Website Copywriting

Emails are one of the most effective ways to communicate with your existing client base. Whether you're looking for an email sequence, or a one-time email to try it out, I'm here to write emails that your clients will want to read.

Email Copywriting

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Pricing Varies Based on Package

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